The very first game series I really got serious about! I love all the Zelda games (except the CD-i) and I also own nearly all of them too! Zellie's my favourite Nintendo Princess and Link's my favourite hero. ;D


Hyrule's Eight - An Ocarina of Time poem I wrote a long time ago. Remains a favourite today.

Child's Crush and Sage's Love - A oneshot I wrote when I first started out writing Fanfiction. The pairing is the adorable match of LinkxSaria. <3 (Rewritten slightly, since the constant commas and ellipses were annoying.)

Zelda: Wisdom at its purest - A long poem I wrote from Zelda's point of view in Ocarina of Time.

The Love Bug - Twilight Princess oneshot with the unique pairing of AgithaxShad! I was the first who thought of it and I love it. I wrote it as a release to help me during a break up and it worked.

No More Hope - Back to Ocarina of Time. This one takes a look into Link's mind and reveals just what he's thinking as he journeys for peace and hope. I'm quite proud of how I did on this, since OoT Link seems so personality-less. He went on without a personal reason to. So I gave him a personal reason.